Manufacturer Upgrades Ultrapure Reverse Osmosis system.
Agape Water Solutions upgrades Reverse Osmosis System. The industry leader of high quality parts uses ultrapure water in the manufacturing process. The origional system was installed in 2000 and includes pretreatment, RO, caustic injection and electrodeionization make up. The nature of raw well water creates a difficult service for softeners, RO and EDI. The softeners were upgrade to a more reliable design. Reverse Omsosis was upgraded to a larger flow rate with additional features including autoflush. The caustic injection chemical system was eliminated and replaced with Liquicel MDG. The EDI system was upgraded from Siemens to Agape Water Solutions. The end result is a system that delivers reliable product water as needed, even with higher water consumption. Service DI exchanges were reduced from 1-2 times per week to 2 times per year for main system.