Toray Reverse Osmosis Membranes
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TORAY first began producing Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration spiral wound membrane elements in 1967, starting With cellulose acetate membrane elements. Today, the product line includes a full range of state-of-the-art cross-linked polyamide composite membranes manufactured under ISO-9001 certification.

Toray brackish water membranes

Following 4”, 8” and 16” membranes can be used in multiple membrane systems to treat municipal industrial or process water as well as commercial application using the 4” membrane types.

TM (Inner Connector Type)

wdt_ID Description Series Article Diameter (inches) Permeate (m3 per day) Permeate (gpd) Rejection (%) Net Thickness (mil)
1 Standard BWRO TM700 TM710TM720-370TM720-400TM720-440TM740-1760 488.816 9.1 36.038.7 42.6169 2.147.483.647,00 2.147.483.647
2 High rejection BWRO* TM700D TM710DTM720DA400TM720D-400TM720D-440 4.888 9.841.641.645.8 2.147.483.647 998.998.998.998,00 31.313.428
3 Low pressure BWRO TM700CTM700L TM720C-440TM720L-400TM720L-440 888 2.147.483.647 992.995.995,00 283.128
4 Ultra low pressure BWRO** TMGTMH TMG10TMG20-370TMG20-400TMG20-370CTMG20-400CTMG20N-400CTMG20-440CTMG40-1760TMH10ATMH20A-400TMH20A-400CTMH20A-440CTMH40A-1760 2.147.483.647 2.147.483.647,00 2.147.483.647
5 Standard SWRO TM800CTM800M TM810CTM820C-400TM820M-400TM820M-440TM840M-1760 488.816 4.524.626.529.2117 2.147.483.647,00 2.147.483.647
6 High Flow SWRO TM800ETM800R TM820E-400TM820R-400TM820R-440 888 28.332.235.6 2.147.483.647 9.975.998.998,00 343.428
7 Low energy SWRO TM800V TM810VTM820V-400TM820V-440TM840V-1760 48.816 2.147.483.647 998.998.998.998,00 28.342.828
8 Highest rejection SWRO TM800K TM820K-400TM820K-440 88 21.924.2 58.006.400 99.869.986,00 3.428

*High rejection BWRO – enhanced chemical tolerance
**C style is with 29mm centerpipe

Toray Sea Water Membranes
Following 4”, 8” and 16” membranes can be used in multiple membrane systems to treat sea water or high salinity water > 10’000 ppm. The 4” membrane types can be used for small private or shipboard sea water desalination.

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